20 Willard Avenue
Berlin, Connecticut 06037-2240

(860) 828-1633 phone
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Altman's 1200SE-M Daylight Fresnel

The Altman 1200SE is a rugged high-output fresnel designed for use in the video and film industries where an intense even field with sharp cutting capability is desired. Utilizing the compact single-ended line of metal-halide lamps, the luminaire delivers ex- cellent daylight quality from a small compact package and is useful in any situation where daylight color balance is required. The 1200SE is focusable from spot to flood and can be used as a daylight booster, key light or fill-light. The 1200SE-M is supplied with a mag- netic ballast. Included in every PROLINE fix-ture is the Altman F/S EZ Glide System, which allows the tray assembly to flood and spot with ease.

Product Features

  • Rents complete with a 1-1/8 spud, full and half scrims,barn door and a 9" round color frame
  • 1200 watt HMI lamp
  • Daylight color temperature
  • Spot-to-flood focus adjustment
  • Rugged lightweight die-cast and extruded aluminum housing
  • Easy-operation focusing control with Teflon® guides
  • Spring-loaded top accessories latch
  • Automatic safety cutoff switch
ARRI's 6K Daylight Fresnel

ARRI's 6K Daylight Fresnel

6k HMI fresnel

Product Features