20 Willard Avenue
Berlin, Connecticut 06037-2240

(860) 828-1633 phone
(860) 828-1666 fax

LEX's DMX Cable

LEX DMX Cable (5pin XLR)

Rugged tour grade shielded DMX cable in a variety of lengths.

Product Features

  • 5' 10' 25' 50' 75' & 100' lengths available
  • 5 pin XLR connectors installed on both ends
  • Heavy duty tour-grade polyurethane jacket
  • Rugged black Neutrik connectors provide most reliable connections
  • Red boot on all DMX cable ends to differentiate between other types of XLR
  • Water and UV resistant, suitable for outdoor use
  • Extra flexible for ease-of-use
LEX's Scroller Cable

LEX Scroller Cable (4pin XLR)

Rugged tour grade shielded color scroller cable in a variety of lengths.

Product Features

  • 5' 7.5' 10' 15' 25' 50' 75' & 100' lengths available
  • 4 pin XLR connectors installed on both ends
  • Heavy duty tour-grade polyurethane jacket
  • Rugged black Neutrik connectors provide most reliable connections
  • Yellow boot on all scrollers cable ends to differentiate between other types of XLR
  • Water and UV resistant, suitable for outdoor use
  • Extra flexible for ease-of-use